
Ok, so a little bit about me. (Actually, maybe a lot about me! You will soon learn I am my favorite topic!)

I am a young (at heart) Australian born male, currently living in San Francisco. I grew up in a small town in rural South Australia, and at the age of 19 moved to the closest capital city, Adelaide, to study. I graduated in 2001 with a Bachelor of Science degree.

At this time I was in a traditional, committed, monogamous relationship and had my first child at the young age of 23, my second child 18 months later. I hadn’t planned on staying in Adelaide but as life often does, it moved on and I didn’t. I got comfortable in this uncertainty and through this comfort I began to put on a lot of weight.

Nearing my 30’s something finally changed. My 9 year relationship with the mother of my children ended, well, it ended in the sense of a traditional monogamous relationship. I finally tackled my weight issue, dropping from 220 lb’s (my peak weight) to around 160 lb’s (from 100 kg’s to around 74 kg’s for the rest of the world). I then found climbing, all at the ripe young age of 29, and all within the span of about 12 months.

From this point on, climbing became my passion and begun to direct my life’s journey. I became a member of the Adelaide University rock climbing club, then became a committee member and then became President for several years. Fast forward to 2011 and life picked me up from my uncertain and comfortable lifestyle in Adelaide and dropped me in the USA and to San Francisco.

The growth and development that began at the age of 29 has continued to gain pace, personally, professionally and climbing-ly(?). I now find myself in a place where I feel I am in line with my spirit and my soul. My journey of learning continues and I have reached a place where I feel ready, and needing, to share the details of this growth.

About my Training.

About my Eating.